Thursday, February 23, 2017

Nouns - 1

Nouns are, possibly, the most important class of words in any given language.

Elessic has no complex rules for Nouns, no genders or declensions. The most difficult thing is pluralization, but I'll get to that.

Nouns can display the following cases: Genetive, Dative 1, Dative 2.
I'll cover Cases once I have Nouns to use in examples and such.


anan - Sun
bek - Bear
ĉira - Magnolia
dal - Person
del - Water
dava - Elf
gwɪl - Cloud
ɪksɪl - Silk
lim - Tree
men - Place
sɪma - Flower
yon - Salt


By default, a Noun becomes plural by receiving an -r- between its last Consonant-Noun pair. For example: dal becomes dral, bek becomes brek, sɪma becomes sɪmra. Not all words can support this method, going through the following options in order:
A word like lim, which would become difficult/impossible to pronounce (lrim can't be said as a single syllable), instead takes -R-. Therefore, "Trees" is lRim.
A word which can't support an -R-, like gwɪl, instead receives a word-final -a.
A word which cannot take a word-final -a (due to already ending in a vowel), such as ĉira, take a word-final -n.

Obviously, some words have no need for a plural form in the traditional sense (these being non-count nouns, most often), but in some cases a plural form might be used for extra meaning (such as multiple groups of the noun, similar to as in English). This may also be used for contextual detailing, such as with del, which often is used as a suffix in naming bodies of water. del is used for stationary waters (lakes, ponds), and drel is used for moving water (rivers, the ocean).

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