Sunday, May 21, 2017

Noun Miscellanea - 1

In this, I'm going to talk about some Noun things that I don't have 100% figured out/don't have enough done to make a whole post.

Quantitative vs Non-Quantitative

The current plan is to distinguish between Quantitative and Non-Quantitative Nouns in a method similar to English. Relevant words (Much/Many, Less/Fewer, More/[Other More]) will each have a distinct word and can be modified by correlative prefixes (in cases where that would be a thing).
My current plan is that Non-Quantitative have no distinguishing features, but may be more likely to look like plural nouns (that is, they might look like they're already plural).

Gendered Nouns

All nouns are neuter by default, but person-nouns (and animals, I guess, if you want), such as "sibling," "parent," and "cousin," and any others you might like, can be made into gendered forms ("sister," "mom") with the addition of a prefix.
Originally, the way this worked was [gender prefix] + [person root] (sister = [feminine prefix] + [sibling root]) and then the neuter was [person root] + dal. This has a nice artistry to it, but isn't very efficient, and I don't like it.
Further, familial nouns also need diminutive forms. Not sure how I'm going to bring all this together...

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